The website is published by NAUTITECH, registered at the RCS of LA ROCHELLE under the number 379 124 779.

Registered office is 5 RUE HUBERT PENNEVERT 17300 ROCHEFORT, France

Phone number is +335 46 99 54 51
Director of the publication: Mr YVES BASLÉ, Director General

For the year 2023, Nautitech Catamarans arrives at an Equal Women's-Men Index of 92/100.
Graphic design and development: Agence LMWR

Hosting: Infomaniak


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These legal notices may be modified at any time and without notice, we invite you to consult them regularly (last updated May 29, 2024).



The Website and all of its elements are subject to applicable intellectual property laws (copyright, trademarks and designs) and are protected as such.
The Website and all its elements (architecture, graphic charter, texts, photographs, illustrations, software, images, animated sequences, sound elements, such as music, sound effects, etc.) are the property of NAUTITECH or third parties having authorized NAUTITECH to use and / or exploit.


All rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and photographic representations.


In accordance with the Code of Intellectual Property, any reproduction, representation or adaptation of all or part of the Website or its elements, by any means, on any medium whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever, not expressly authorized in writing by NAUTITECH, would be unlawful and would constitute an offense of counterfeiting punishable by criminal penalties.


As an exception to the above, NAUTITECH authorizes:

  • the reproduction and representation for educational purposes, in paper form only, of the texts published on the Website;
  • download of items expressly designated on the site as freely downloadable.


These special authorizations are granted, subject to the following cumulative conditions:


  • free distribution,
  • respect for the integrity of the documents or elements reproduced or downloaded: no modification or alteration of any kind,
  • and, for the texts published on the website: clear and legible citation of the source in the following form: "Source NAUTITECH. Reproduction rights reserved and strictly limited. ", And mention of the NAUTITECH website's Internet address in any references.


In any case, any reproduction or representation of all or part of the Website and / or any element uploaded to the site must include the copyright / ownership / credit notices appearing on the documents reproduced or on the elements downloaded.


The brands quoted or reproduced on the Website, in particular the NAUTITECH logotype, are trademarks registered by NAUTITECH or third parties having authorized NAUTITECH to include them and / or use them. Any reproduction without prior and express authorization of the owner of the rights of the mark is strictly prohibited and would also constitute an offense of counterfeiting.



NAUTITECH respects the privacy of Internet users and strictly complies with the regulations in force on the protection of personal data.
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified, net surfers are informed that NAUTITECH is likely to implement several processing of personal data concerning them.


Description of the processing of personal data that can be implemented by NAUTITECH.


Request for brochures - NAUTITECH offers various documents in delivery by mail or digital viewing which registration is done by filling a dematerialized form. As controller, NAUTITECH uses the credentials provided by the user for the sole purpose of ensuring the organization and management of the sending of the document. This information is intended for authorized persons of NAUTITECH as well as its technical service providers and potential partners responsible for organizing shipments.


Appointment request - NAUTITECH offers to connect its distributors with users of the site via a system of making appointments which registration is done by filling a dematerialized form. As controller, NAUTITECH uses the credentials provided by the user for the sole purpose of ensuring the organization of making appointments. This information is intended for authorized persons of NAUTITECH as well as its technical service providers and potential partners responsible for organizing shipments.  


Newsletters - NAUTITECH publishes several newsletters aimed at informing subscribers about various topics. As controller, NAUTITECH uses the data entered by the user for the sole purpose of sending him the newsletter to which he has subscribed. This information is intended only for NAUTITECH authorized persons as well as its technical service providers and potential partners responsible for e-mailing. They are kept until the user unsubscribes. By subscribing to the newsletter, the Internet user consents to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the purpose described above. The user has the opportunity to withdraw his consent and / or object to this treatment by clicking on the link at the bottom of each newsletter or in the manner described in the following point.


Contact NAUTITECH - The user can contact NAUTITECH via the dedicated form on the Website. As controller, NAUTITECH uses the information provided by the user to better address the difficulties encountered. This information is intended only for NAUTITECH authorized persons and its technical service providers. They are kept during the period strictly necessary for the management of the difficulties encountered. This treatment is based on the legitimate interest of NAUTITECH to answer the various questions that may be formulated by users during their browsing on the Site and help them, if necessary, to solve the difficulties encountered.


In accordance with the regulations, the user has the right to query, access, rectify, erase, oppose and portability with respect to all of his data as well as the right to formulate instructions. specific and general information regarding the conservation, erasure and communication of its post-mortem data.
The internet user has the right to object to the processing, at any time, of his personal data. The data will no longer be processed by NAUTITECH unless there are legitimate and compelling reasons for its interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of rights in court. 


The user is informed that cookies may be installed on his device when browsing the Website. The rules applicable to cookies are detailed in the following point.


The internet user is also informed that he can, in case of dispute, seize the National Commission of Computing and Freedoms (CNIL). 



We use different cookies on the website to improve the interactivity of the website and our services.


What is a cookie" ?
A "cookie" is a file of limited size, generally consisting of letters and numbers, sent by the internet server to the cookie file of the browser located on the hard disk of your computer.


You can access the control panel of your cookies, in clicking here


1 type of cookie is deposited on the NAUTITECH website

Website concerned : 

Audience measurement cookies
In order to adapt the site to the requests of its visitors, we measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed as well as the activity of visitors to the site and their frequency of return. Google Analytics, the statistics tool used by NAUTITECH, generates these cookies. You can choose to decline cookies and statistical analysis of your browsing data.

During your first visit to our sites, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. They are only deposited if you accept them or continue browsing the site by visiting a second page of our sites. You can always inform yourself and set your cookies to accept or reject them by going to the Cookie Management page. You can indicate your preference either globally for the site or service by service.

The Site may include links to other sites owned by third parties. These links do not constitute in any way an approval, a validation, a NAUTITECH membership to the content of these sites or an association of NAUTITECH with the administrators, authors or hosts of these sites. NAUTITECH does not edit or control the sources, contents or links on these sites, therefore can not be held responsible for the content, operation and access to these sites or any damage or loss, proven or alleged , consecutive or in connection with the use of information, services or data available on these sites.
In addition, any administrator of a site or a blog can freely establish a link to the homepage of the Site, provided that the following cumulative conditions are respected: 

  • the link must not be used for commercial or advertising purposes , 
  • the words "the NAUTITECH site", or any other equivalent or more precise mention must be clearly indicated on or near the link,  
  • the website containing the link must not disseminate information that is unlawful, violent, controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or that may be contrary to public order or morality.


Any link to the Site that does not comply with these conditions is prohibited, such as the insertion of a deep link to one of the pages of the Site or to a document other than an Internet page (such as a downloadable document) except with the prior written permission of NAUTITECH.
Likewise, any use or reproduction, even partial, of one of the elements of the Site within a third site through so-called processes of inclusion, frames, inlining or any other similar processes are formally prohibited.


NAUTITECH will make its best efforts to ensure the continued accessibility and proper functioning of the Site. NAUTITECH can not guarantee that the functioning of the Site will be uninterrupted or continuous and free from any error or technical problem. NAUTITECH can not be held responsible in the event of unavailability of the Site, for any reason whatsoever and whatever the duration of this unavailability.


NAUTITECH can not be held responsible for damages, direct or indirect, commercial or otherwise, arising from a connection or resulting from use of the Site and / or this information. Similarly NAUTITECH can not be held responsible for events due to an event of force majeure, breakdowns and technical problems concerning hardware, programs and software or the Internet may result in the suspension or cessation of the Site.  


Furthermore, although NAUTITECH strives to provide reliable content on the Site, it does not guarantee that its content is free from errors or omissions and can not be held responsible for errors or omissions of information disseminated on the Site. NAUTITECH reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt the broadcast of all or part of the Site


The Site is subject to French law.

Any use made of it must be made in accordance with the legislation in force and will be deemed to have taken place on French territory.
NAUTITECH reserves the right to take legal action against persons acting in a manner that may be considered illegal or unlawful or in violation thereof.