Purchase a catamaran via Loan Financing

When the future buyer does not have the funds available, or if he wishes to preserve liquidity to be able to carry out other projects at the same time, he may take out a loan. This is the traditional method of financing to purchase a boat. It’s also fast and the method that boaters very often use! 
Like any other bank loan, or personal loan, the characteristics depend on the applicant's situation and the amount of his contribution. The repayment period for a catamaran loan ranges from 10 to 25 years, also depending on the possibilities of the future boat owner. 


If you are interested in this financing method the acquisition of your multihull and would like to submit a loan application, the Nautitech team will be happy to put you in touch with financing professionals. Among them, La Victoire Finance is a trusted organization for the American market. LIZmer offers a credit solution for the French market.

Conseils financement catamarans
La solution LOA (Location avec Option d’Achat),
une solution sur-mesure pour les catamarans

Pour financer un catamaran, il existe aussi l’option du leasing, appelée Location avec Option d’Achat, ou Crédit-Bail Mobilier lorsque le contractant est une société. Avec le leasing, l’acquéreur choisit une solution de financement pour son catamaran qui lui permet de préserver sa trésorerie : le catamaran choisi est acheté par le biais d’un organisme tiers – une banque, qui lui loue le bateau pendant une période plus ou moins longue. La durée de location est définie, au préalable, en fonction des possibilités de financement de l’acquéreur. Une fois celle-ci venue à échéance, l’acquéreur procède à l’acquisition du catamaran pour en devenir effectivement propriétaire, grâce à l’option d’achat. 

Jean-Marie Naudin, LIZmer business representative – a brand of Capitole Finance-Tofinso – explain: "At LIZmer, we offer long-term support, thanks to a tailor-made offer. Every project is unique and we always propose the most suitable solution for our customers. For example, a client planning an extensive journey by sailing outside the Community's territorial waters may, under certain conditions, benefit from a complete VAT exemption on their lease payments within the framework of a leasing contract for financing a catamaran". 
LIZmer, which is specialized in boat financing for more than fifteen years now, has a stand  every year at all major French boat shows.


Among the advantages of a lease-purchase of a catamaran, there is the possibility of having several lessees, of adjusting the contract along the way – for early repayment, for modification of the conditions of direct debit – as well as transferability of the contract. This is good to know in case a buyer might wish to resell the boat being financed. 


Catamaran leasing contracts can also be adjusted, which means that the buyer can choose to add certain items to his multihull financing contract, such as electronic equipment, sails or on-board instruments. Finally, since the bank owns the catamaran until the end of the rental period, the boat is not part of the assets of the future buyer before this date. An advantage to be taken into account from a tax perspective ! 


Are you thinking of buying a catamaran under a leasing arrangement ? There are many organizations that can assist you with financing a catamaran under a lease-purchase agreement. Most even offer free simulations. Among them, LIZmer and  CGI Finance are highly recommended. Trust us with your project, our team can help you ! 

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